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Whether you’re a fan of Her Maj or a die-hard republican, there are plenty of ways to fill up the four whole days of freedom, from nabbing a spot at the Jubilee Parade down The Mall, joining one of the many bunting-festooned parties across the city or hiding away from all Union Jacks entirely in a (hopefully) sun-soaked roof garden or at Southbank Centre’s celebration of punk. It might not be quite the same as a big long summer holiday, but this year June is special because we’ll be getting a whopper of bank holiday weekend to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. It’s that ‘school’s out!’ feeling, until you remember that you left school years ago, and ‘summer holidays’ don’t really exist for adults. June in London is one of those months that’s filled with a sense of excitement, but is also somehow layered with a tinge of anxiety.

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