Gay men in suits video

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“There’s a necessity to express a multitude of stories that explain and also express our true selves, our culture, our aesthetics, our spirituality, and our cosmology,' says Lewis.

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Lewis, curator of Dandy Lion: (Re) Articulating Black Masculinity, on view at MoAD through September. “There’s a state of urgency, not just here in the U.S., but also around the world,” says Shantrelle P. The crisp tailoring invokes the dapperness of the Harlem Renaissance. Urban landscapes from New York to Moscow serve as their backdrop. The colors, accents and textures are all intentional. The men look like they’ve contemplated every detail of their well-fitting ensembles. The second floor of San Francisco's Museum of the African Diaspora (MoAD) is lined with beautiful photos of Black men in suits.

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